Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Virtual Tour

Grade 3
Standard 1: Students will understand how geography influences community location and development.
Objective 1: Determine the relationships between human settlement and geography
a. Identify the geographic features common to areas where human settlements exist

I chose this standard and objective because I thought it would be neat for kids to see these natural wonders. Using Google Eart is a great way to expose the kids to these places because they get to actually see them and somewhat experience them. Instead of just showing them overhead transparencies of these places, they actually get to see them and their surroundings.


Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Rocky Mountains in Colorado

First use the ruler to measure a peak of the Rocky Mountains. How high is it? Now write a journal entry about activies that you can do in the Mountains during the winter time. Write about your experiences with those ativies.

Go to the Rocky Mountains and do a 360 view of the mountains. Use the ruler to measure a peak

2. Grand Canyon in Arizona

After vwatching a 360 view of the canyon, draw the Grand Canyon.

360 view of the canyon

3. Mount Everst in Nepal

Write down what you know about hiking a mountain. What do you bring? What do you wear? Would you ever want to climb Mt. Everest? ms?msa=0&msid=118066688710782750378.000445bff761327788bbb&output=kml

Loot at pictures of Mt. Everst

4. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe
Watch a Youtube video of the falls. Talk in a group about your thoughts about the falls. Reference the fact that Victoria falls are not man made. Did you learn anything new about Zimbabwe?
Watch a Youtube video of the Falls.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Digital Storytelling

I think that most difficult challenge with implementing a digital storytelling project in an elementary classroom will be just the preparation for it. It may just seem easier to not go through the trouble of making a video when you could just teach something in a more simple way. I will just have to remember that kids will appreciate the digital story much more than just a boring lecture.

Digital Story

Monday, September 21, 2009

TPACK and Digital Storyboard

I learned that TPACK (Technological pedagogical and content knowledge) is the way that you integrate technology into your teaching. It is important to not focus on the technology itself, but to focus on the content of what you are teaching. There are 7 different kinds of knowledge that represent the framework of TPACK. TPACK is important in order to have well rounded lesson plans that teach concepts thoroughly through the use of technology.

For our digital story, we have chosen standard 1 objective 2 for developing language through viewing media and standard 4 objective 1 for demonstrating an understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds. Both of our standards are for kindergarten. We have decided to tell a story about the adventures of two little girls on an African Safari. Our story is also an adventure through the alphabet as the girls see animals that start with the different letters. A digital story will help teach the concepts of the alphabet and animals because we will have animal sounds and animated voices to read the story with. The representation of the content will allow the students to hear the text read aloud which will lead to strengthening word recognition and comprehension.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I learned a lot this week! I had never created a website before this. I can really see how a website would be really useful to a teacher. It is a convenient way for parents and students to know what is going on in the classroom. I am glad that I know how to do this now. I enjoyed learning how to make a calendar. I think that will help me remain organized as a teacher. Creating the website was not easy but I do feel that I have learned a lot. I have posted my website as one of my links on this blog. It is entitled "My Website" under "My Links".
I facebook chatted with Gillian Sacks and I talked to her on Skype. So fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Technology History

I have a decent amount of experience with computers. I know how to make power points, use excel, access the internet, and other basic computer actions. I enjoy being on the computer and it is a part of my daily life. I am by no means a pro at computers though. There is much that I still need to learn but I am up for it!