Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 14 PLE

I did the course evaluation. I did the course feedback survey. I checked my grades on moodle.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Internet Safety Reflection

1. I read "The Message:
Mushrooms, Music, Movies, and Magazines"
by Elder Spencer J. Condie
of the Second Quorum of the Seventy

2. The videos that I watched were under the Cyberbullying category. They mainly talked about how the Internet rules kids world. Kids have different identities online and have "buddies" online that they have not met yet. They are constantly chatting with friends and are glued to their computer screen.

3. My most important take-aways from the readings and the videos are:
  • Kids spend more time on the Internet than you are aware of
  • People can be whoever they want online and that is deceiving and dangerous
  • Youth use the Internet because all their friends do and they want to keep up with everyone
  • Knowing what your children are looking at and exploring online is imperative
  • The Internet is addicting
  • Youth that hold relationships online are needing attention in many cases
  • Media is like mushrooms...they come in different types and levels of danger
  • Set boundaries for your family early on
  • Have rules
  • Be involved with your kid's lives
  • I feel that if youth have self confidence, their desire to have online relationships with decrease
It is amazing how much time people spend online. They can be anyone that they want to be and that is dangerous. It makes me feel that these people that are altering who they are online are not happy with who they are. Maybe they need to have a boost in their self confidence so that they will not desire attention from being online. From reading the articles, I feel that as a parent you need to have time limits for Internet use because it is addicting. The Internet is a wonderful thing because you can research and email but it is also very detrimental. It is important to instill in your students or your children that the Internet is dangerous and you should stay away from the bad things. If kids want to be good, they will not do bad things online.

4. i. I talked to my mom about Internet safety, and more specifically how addicting it is and how people have different identities online. She knew of the dangers that are out there and has kept a close eye on my siblings and I as we have used the Internet. By hearing conference talks about pornography, she knew that that is and completely addicting and detrimental to your life, marriage, and spirit. She knew that people develop new identities and that they get involved with dangerous relationships. She had seen on the show 20/20 that girls will meet up with these older men that they have met online and they end up getting raped or injured. So dangerous and scary!

ii. I told my mom about the stories of girls and boys that I learned about in the videos and it made her so sad for them and their families. She gave me advice about raising my future children. She told me to take control of the computer and have it in a spot where it can be monitored. That's what she always did. She told me some other stories that were like the ones I told her that she had heard. It made us shocked that people do these things! We both just don't understand how girls can go through with it. Also, we both realize that the internet is addicted. I love checking my email and my blog. I feel like I need gmail so I can be in contact with my friends and teachers. We both can see how the internet is addicted. She suggested I set a time limit on internet use for my whole fmaily.

iii. Her reaction didn't really surprise because it was similar to mine when I was finding out what happens online. Her stories did surprise me though. They made me so sad and grateful that I never got into that stuff!

iv. My mom told me that she was going to share the information with my siblings and have a family home evening about internet safety. Hopefully the stories with scare them and make them realize that the internet and chat rooms are nasty places and should not be explored.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

TPACK Project Report

Week 12

My mentor teacher was a very limited technology user. She viewed technology as more of a hassle and time waster than as something useful and helpful. She was a very creative and fun gal and she put lots of time into fun activities that were hands on. Although she didn't use technology very much, I think that she was an awesome teacher and that she did what worked for her and her students. Our class went to computers once a week so they were using technology there. She did use the overhead for writing time occasionally. I think that her lack of technology use was good for her and it worked for her students. She used technology once when she was doing a review game. The students did not use the technology though. I think the students found it interesting. When I used technology, it was kind of a hassle but it was fine. I really think that my mentor teacher was awesome and technology would not have enhanced her teaching. The students were getting time on the computers every week and the students that went to success maker, were using programs on the computer. One area where I think she could have implemented technology is during centers. There was only once computer in our classroom so again, that would have been a hassle. It all depends on the resources you have.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 11

Bookends of War:
Bookends of War:
Inside Kapunahala:
Inside Kapunahala:

The kids were so pumped about their class website. They loved seeing their work online and they were excited for others to see it as well. They seemed really engaged in all the activities and it looked like they were feeling more independent and responsible. They were learning a lot too. It looked like they loved being involved in a class project. They came together and did a great job. So much is done online these days so it is important to get your students familiar with simple technology. The students loved being able to perform in front of a TV. It makes them feel special and it gets them outside of their comfort level. these videos showed how using technology helps get the whole class involved as a team and it lets everyone contribute and be themselves. The students seemed to love it and when students are loving something, they are more likely learning about it. In the last video, the students get to be on TV and they love it. They get to learn all about being the camera man, and the anchor. A student said "I have always wanted to be on TV!" This little TV show is helping her to feel special and it is really tapping into her interest. Using technology can help kids find what they are good at and interested in. It is amazing how many standards are being met when using technology! Kids are learning so much and they are being given so much independence.

Week 10

From the videos I learned that technology has the power to arouse interest in the students. It automatically takes something that could potentially be boring and turns it into something fun, new, and interesting. Especially with young children. Their attention spans do not last very long and it is important to get the interested in the lesson so that they will learn. The teachers in the videos created learning environments with technology that got the students involved. The kids were actually the ones taking the pictures. They seemed to be enjoying it. It is nice that the teacher created a website so that the students and their parents can see the pictures that they took. It is so important to get the kids interested and it seems that technology can do the trick. I also feel that technology reiterates what the teacher has taught about. Young children need repetition in order to full understand and remember things that they are learning. Young children also need to be engaged in hands on learning so that they will learn for themselves the concept. Technology also allows for children to help each other. All students are on different levels when it comes to technology and learning to help each other is key for social interaction. I also liked how the second teacher talked about how it is interactive for the parents as well. The parents can see what their children are doing.