Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 12

My mentor teacher was a very limited technology user. She viewed technology as more of a hassle and time waster than as something useful and helpful. She was a very creative and fun gal and she put lots of time into fun activities that were hands on. Although she didn't use technology very much, I think that she was an awesome teacher and that she did what worked for her and her students. Our class went to computers once a week so they were using technology there. She did use the overhead for writing time occasionally. I think that her lack of technology use was good for her and it worked for her students. She used technology once when she was doing a review game. The students did not use the technology though. I think the students found it interesting. When I used technology, it was kind of a hassle but it was fine. I really think that my mentor teacher was awesome and technology would not have enhanced her teaching. The students were getting time on the computers every week and the students that went to success maker, were using programs on the computer. One area where I think she could have implemented technology is during centers. There was only once computer in our classroom so again, that would have been a hassle. It all depends on the resources you have.

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