Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Science Challenge

The teacher is going to create a power point with 4 habitats explaining the characteristics of each habitat. The teacher should include pictures of animals and why they live in the habitat that they do. While the teacher is presenting the power point, they will be taking brief notes and participating when necessary. Then it will be time for the students to have solo time on Kidsperation to asses their knowledge of what the teacher taught about. The kids will get to pick a list of animals and they will be instructed to put at least 4 animals in each habitat on Kidsperations. The habitats are wetlands, dessert, rain forest, and forest. These wetlands will be the same for each student but the list of animals can be different depending on which list they chose. When the students have completed this, they will show a partner and explain why they placed each animal in the habitat.

i. The content that we will be focusing on in our science activity is 2nd grade Standard III Objective Ia: Students will observe and describe relationships of plants and animals.

ii. The pedagogy we will be using is classifying. This will be a good fit because the students will be expected to classify different animals into different environments showing their understanding of plants and animals. Students will be using concept maps to classify the animals. The teacher will have prepared a power point to teach the relationship between animals and their environment. The student will classify the animals as an assessment.

iii. The technology that we will be using is Kidsperation. This program will help us to assess the students knowledge of animals and the environment that they belong to. This works with our pedagogy because students will classify the animals with their environment for the activity.

iv. We will be using a visual representation since the students will be classifying the animals and their environments on Kidsperation. The technology will help the students understand the objective because it will provide them with practice and visualization of the animals and environments. They will be able to see the animals and be able to physically place the animals in the correct environment.

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